It’s Saturday and that means it’s time to go fishing! Pack up our gear in the new car and head off down the motorway. I’m driving for the practise and overjoyed to find it’s an easy driver.
After an uneventful trip down the motorway, we turned left at Henley-Berwick Rd, crossed the Taieri, turned right on to Henley Rd and across the Taieri again, then left on to the gravel Taieri Ferry Rd. The tide was at maximum and there was some water on the road, but we made it safely to the park at the end.
We geared up and headed down the track. Conditions were cool but calm, fine by us.
The tide had just started receding, so our timing wasn’t perfect, but we were determined to give it a go. Suddenly, an ominous howling caught our attention, and seconds later we were caught up in a gale! Icy bullets of rain lanced our faces. We hastily retreated to the car.
We huddled inside with our snacks and glumly watched the waterfall running down the windscreen. Dunedin weather at its finest!
After about ten minutes things began to perk up again. We cautiously ventured back out, headed back over the hill, and continued from where we left off.
The water was a little murky and running quickly toward the sea. Only one trout was spotted considering the lure, but was ultimately too smart to bite.
I ventured over the second hill to the picnic area to try my luck there, but nothing doing! The water was shallow and nothing was biting. No delicious trout dinner for us tonight – we’ll have to buy our food like everyone else.