Boulder Beach – For Real This Time!

After last Friday’s failed attempt to reach Boulder Beach, we decided another try was in order. We parked once again by the cattery and headed off down the hill.

2015-09-02 15.11.38

This time when we reached the fork in the trail, we wisely headed left, following a path that loops around to join Braidwood Rd. We eventually found a stile which allowed us to cross the fence keeping us from the beach. Once over the fence, there didn’t seem to be any defined trail, but we knew our destination was beyond the big macrocarpa tree, so we headed that way along the bank of a small stream.

Finally, we made it! Boulder Beach is mostly covered in large smooth rocks (hmm, is there a clue here somewhere?) which are not easy to walk on. However, there’s a section of pale sand near the cliffs that separate the beach from Sandfly Bay.

Alas, it turned out we were not the first to step on that pristine sand! Two sets of tracks led from the tussock to the surf.  Well, I suppose the penguins do get first claim.

Penguin tracks on Boulder Beach

After taking in the solitude for a while, we headed back over the stile and up a steep path heading directly up the hill. This took us by some neat old stone walls before taking us back to Highcliff Rd and a short walk back to the car.

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