Once again we find ourselves with a hot day and nothing to do, so up into the Alps it is! This time to join some friends at a lovely leisure spot on the Torrente Cervo (Cervo River) for some swimming and relaxing.
We headed up once again into the Cervo valley, by the same road we’d taken on our last sojourn into the Alps – although we didn’t need to go nearly so far this time. Finding a park off the road above the river, we grabbed our snacks and drinks and assorted paraphernalia. Then it was a slippery improvised trail down through the bushes until we reached the rocky riverbed, formed from smooth undulating granite interspersed with boulders.
Now all we had to do was find a spot, and be ready to make do a little, since it’s not like nature is going to just naturally provide the perfect bathing spot…

While everyone else sorted out their things and got to the serious business of sunbathing, I decided to take a little look around. Because then I can claim that this wasn’t simply a self-indulgent relaxing trip, but research for my blog! There were of course many blooming purple flowers along the bank of the river – I’m at a loss to identify them but they have become my favourites as they remind me of beautiful romantic days like this.

These blooms are very popular with insects, attracting hordes of bees and butterflies, including the large and impressive swallowtail, both yellow and white varieties.

Also out in force to sunbathe on the warm stones were dozens of skinks, seemingly identical to the kind we see in New Zealand. They were very skittish at my approach but I eventually managed to convince one to sit for a portrait.

Having checked out the local wildlife I returned to the group, grabbed a cold drink from the convenient hollow in the stream that was currently serving as our chilly bin, and braved a bit of a paddle in the cold alpine waters. Yes, revoke my southern woman card because I am a terrible wuss when it comes to touching cold water.

We found a convenient blow-up mattress someone had left on the riverbank – possibly because it was slowly leaking – and experimented with floating in the placid pool we had chosen. Only occasionally would we drift into the current (maybe with the help of a cheeky friend) which would prompt lots of flailing and splashing to keep from being washed into the rapids below.

After many hours of peace and relaxation it was time to reluctantly return to town. But dinner waits for no man (or mildly sunburned woman) so we packed up and farewelled the Cervo once again.
Looks very much like a lilac tree…white and 3 shades of purple, highly scented as well. A nice interlude story
Your plant is a Buddleia.